The Spirit of Giving

Well my friends, the holiday season is upon us and she shows no mercy. It can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of it without ever giving a second thought to other people who may be in need, or those who do not have families or good food to eat.


Getting your last minute workouts in, attending Holiday parties while not trying to binge on Eggnog, balancing work and family time; all of these things are crucial at holiday time, but I’m very curious to know what you are doing to give back to your community this season.


How Giving Supports Your Health & Well-Being:

A recent Gallup poll survey on volunteering in the U.S.A. found that 52% of volunteers do it because they like doing something useful and helping others. Another 38% said they enjoy doing volunteer work and feeling good about themselves. Besides feeling good about yourself for doing something for others, giving back is also good for your physical health and helps to raise your confidence, get out there and GIVE A LOTTA LOVE!


Money Doesn’t Always Equal Happiness

When I was younger, all I dreamed about was being rich and famous...The Lamborginis, the extravagant vacations, the beautiful women, the amazing food... I thought it would solve all my problems and bring me utter happiness. Yes, being financially stable is wonderful and provides me a lot of freedoms, but what brings me the most joy is having the opportunity to give back. Working out with the Armed Forces all over the world is a specific time when I feel this the most. Being in a room full of men and women who give up their lives to serve us is an honor. I am able to provide a space for them to sweat it out, feel like a million dollars and, laugh till they can't laugh any more. And you know what? That’s better than any dollar bill I could ever hold in my hand.


How To Get Into the Spirit

Yes, I know you are super popular and Stephen Curry busy, but I know your brain is wondering how it can get into the spirit amongst juggling all your other obligations. Here are some ideas:

  •   Call your friends right now and set a date to volunteer at a charity that interests you. From animal shelters, to fitness charities to beach clean up, you're bound to find one you like - bonus points: you will break a sweat also to burn off those sinful butter cream holiday cookies!
  •   Research local happenings in your community and see who needs help.
  •   Be creative and come up with fun ways to give back, for example; host a free workout group at an orphanage...or even, dare I say, offer to do some handyman work for your Mother-In-Law.

Keep it Simple

Giving back doesn’t have to be time consuming or pricey; it could be as simple as doing something nice for a friend, or offering a ride to an elderly person. Heck, even taking your dog to the dog park can even spark the "Holiday Season Warm Fuzzies." You don’t have to spend hours on end in service, small random acts of kindness are a wonderful way to give back too.


Whatever it is, there are other people out there that need you. Take the focus off yourself for a few hours and see how it feels to be in the Spirit of Giving this season. I guarantee you'll be glowing with holiday cheer.


Happy Holidays from the Man!

A Constant in the Chaos

Yes, that time of year is upon us when our routines and schedules get out of whack. There is more pressure with parties, events, family, shopping, cooking, planning, you get the idea. It can get a little chaotic, to say the least.

It’s important, especially now to take excellent care of yourself. Just because it’s the holidays, doesn’t mean you throw your workouts, or your healthy eating out the icy frosted window. Having consistency this time of year, will be sure to take you into the New Year feeling strong, accomplished and proud.

Sit down with your calendar for the whole month of December, and schedule your workouts in. I know there will be more obligations on your calendar than normal, but making the time to move your body for just 30-60 minutes will make a world of difference as you go through the hustle and bustle of this season.

Food is going to be another important factor in staying healthy too. Did you know more people get sick in January than any other time of year? And, the average holiday weight gain is anywhere from 5-15 pounds. That’s insane! 

Sugar is everywhere, and it seductively calls us from every corner. As well as its partner in crime, alcohol. Both are immune depressants and deplete our life force energy. This party, that party, you could end up eating and drinking yourself into a constant hangover for the whole month of December if you’re not mindful.

Not only is exercising the key to staying healthy, it will be super important to have a plan with your food intake as you go through the holidays as well. Set a specific goal for yourself. Here are some ideas that are helpful:

  • Set a goal to eat only a couple bites of sweets once per week. After three bites your pleasure center turns off anyway, and then you are just eating to eat.
  • Cook the majority of your meals at home and eat in as much as you can. Plan those menus and get shopping.
  • Have only one drink at your work holiday party instead of 4 or 5. This will ensure optimal health throughout this crazy month.
  • Commit to the 90/10 or 80/20 rule of eating mostly whole, fresh foods and allowing the 10 or 20% for some holiday leeway.

Remember, you have a choice about what you put in your mouth. No one is forcing you to eat sugar and bad food or drink alcohol. And yes, you can still have fun without those things. You get to choose.

So, listen up; be constant and consistent with your healthy habits this holiday season and move into the New Year resolution free. Resolutions are just a set up for failure anyway. Be intentional about your actions and remain in alignment with your values around health and wellness. This will support you in feeling stellar all season long.

Happy Holidays!


The Ultimate Pre-Thanksgiving Treat

Since Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and I care about your health, I am sharing a delicious recipe with you today for an energizing, delectable Pumpkin Spice Shake using Vanilla Shakeology.



10 oz non-dairy milk, such as almond, rice or coconut (unsweetened)

1/4 cup pumpkin pureee

palm-full raw cashews

1 frozen banana

1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice

1/8 teaspoon cinnamon

1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology

Optional ice (if you want a thicker shake)

Place all ingredients in a high-powered blender and blend until creamy smooth.

(Recipe was adapted from Karma Chow's Pumpkin Pie Smoothie)

To maintain your fitness, train your brain to focus on the big picture and time spent with loved ones versus the spread on your family table. Develop topics and ideas to keep the conversation interesting that will keep your mind from putting your face in your plate.

Have a Healthy & Happy Thanksgiving!


Your BTP needs some TLC. Say what?

For those of you that have picked up a copy of my book, The Big Picture, you might be very familiar with what BTP is (I encourage you to read on anyway), but for those of you that haven't (ahem),

BTP stands for, Boredom Tipping Point

 Here's how you how to give your BTP a little TLC

You know, so you don't end up miserable, unhappy and burnt out.

Now, you know I am a huge fan of Variety. It IS the spice of life after all. There is nothing worse than being bored with exercise, food, life, relationships... you name it. If you have been experiencing a sense of boredom in any of these areas, your Uncle Tony is here to help.

Remember when you were a kid and you did cool things just for fun? Everything was a hobby then, and you enjoyed doing it. It didn't feel like work, or something you HAD to do, it was something you enjoyed. Well, it's time to bring that feeling back and squash that BTP before it sets in too deeply.



There are tons of people out there who don't have hobbies outside of their family, work, and responsibilities of life anymore. It always amazes me when I ask people what they do for fun, and they stare at me blankly, or tell me they have no time for fun. What? No time for fun?? There is nothing more ludicrous than that statement right there. Life is meant to be fun, otherwise what the heck are we doing here?


If you have let yourself become too responsible, and you are not actively tapping into the joyful, playful part of yourself, then you are not honoring your true self, and I'm sure you're just not any fun to be around (kidding, only half way, really.)

So, I want you to think for a moment, what are those things that you used to love to do as a kid?

What are some things you might like to do now?

What are some things you thought about doing, but haven't because they seem too silly or out of reach?

 Make a list of things that seem fun to you.

Ask your friends what they do for fun. Start to look at local meet up groups in your area to see what peaks your interest. Ping Pong club. Great. Scrap booking. Awesome. Cycling. Even Better.

There are fun things happening all around you, you just forgot to participate. Now, when that list is done, choose one or two of those things and pencil them into your, oh-so-busy, I-don't-have-time-for-fun schedule and DO THEM, this week.

 No ifs, ands or buts about it!

I promise that the more fun you start having, the more people will want to be around you, the happier you will feel and the more you will be motivated to complete other not-so-fun responsibilities in your life. You will be filling your own cup, and when our own cup is full, we have enough to give to others.

So kick that BTP in the butt with a little TLC for yourself and see what unfolds.

You're welcome!

Get Real: Are You Eating What You NEED Or What You WANT?


The holiday's are quickly approaching, and we all know what that means!

Crappy processed food, boozing and overeating.



I don't mean to be a party-pooper, but all too often I see people overindulging in food they DON'T NEED, and holidays are a trigger for that.

Stuffing your body with greasy, salty chips and franken-food hot dogs are not going to add to your Big Picture - they are only going to take away from it.

Our bodies don't know what to do with all that processed gunk, so guess what happens?

Fat storage!

Clogged Arteries!

Digestive Issues!

Diseased organs!

And more!

Yes, it's getting real.

Time to get really real. Do you need to eat that coffee cake sitting on the counter at work?

Do you really need that whole bag of chips or cookies while watching TV?

No, no, no, and NO! THE ANSWER IS HELL NO !


There's a huge difference between eating what our body needs, and what our brain is craving. The reason we have cravings is because of all the crappy processed food, sugar and simple carbs that we are ingesting daily. Drinking coffee and alcohol don't help either. You know what happens? Both of those create huge sugar highs and lows, putting you on the runaway craving train.

So, as you move into this holiday weekend, I want you to think about eating to fuel your body and brain, nourishing your spirit, and treating your precious gift of life with care and respect. Eat until you're satisfied, not till you’re bloated and uncomfortable.  Make the best, healthiest choices available or bring your own if you’re headed to a holiday event.



This doesn't mean you can't have a good time. It always blows my mind that eating bad food is equated to having fun. How about allowing your curiosity, sense of humor, and vivacious personality be the thing that brings out the best in others this holiday weekend, instead of stuffing your face with food porn for short-lived selfish reasons.

So, remember, you have a choice. Now go make the right one!


Balance. Is it possible?



More often than not people ask how to find balance in all areas of their life;

Eating well, exercising, kids, work, family, social life, etc...

It's easy for most to focus on one area of life and do well, but finding balance in all areas can be tricky.


At its core, balance is as simple as this: if you find yourself focusing too hard on one area of your life, i.e.: exercise, take a step back, re-evaluate and see where you can spend some time focusing on another area instead.

This doesn't mean giving up exercising,


It just means you reassemble your time wisely, so that you can do other things you love. Is your job not fulfilling your "daily purpose" requirements? Re-evaluate, and see where you can spend time enjoying a hobby that will feed your soul.

Look, life is all about staying true to your purpose (Law 2), and anything that drags you down will not help you feel balanced, or support you in living out that purpose. Consistency and variety will always be part of keeping things in balance, always.


For example, a good workout should be an intense experience for some, but there needs to also be an aspect of fun to it. A solid relationship should support you in feeling safe and secure, but you need to stay on your toes and still show up, or else things could fall apart. It's always important to be aware and conscious of what's happening in the world around you, and especially the world inside of you.

Are you making good decisions for yourself?

Are you engaging in activities that feel good?

Or are you working all the time and then chauffeuring the kids all around town without ever thinking twice about what you need?

Balance comes when you learn to take good care of yourself in all areas. This doesn't mean that you need to spend 3 hours every day exercising, meditating or cooking good food. What it does mean is that spending 5 minutes or 5 hours on something you love that feeds your soul will provide more balance in your life than putting all your eggs in one basket.

You feel me?


I’m a huge fan of the word YES, but also, practicing the word NO will benefit you in feeling more balanced in your life.

Know when to speak up for yourself and do what feels good for you. Don’t always do what others expect you to do, or make a decision because you don't want to let someone down, even though you may feel badly for it. You deserve to make the best, informed choice for yourself.

The goal of balance is this;

1. Take advantage of opportunities for growth

2. Know your abilities and your limits

3. Protect yourself from harm and don't get in your own way.

Now, go get on a slack line and see what balance really feels like.


Until next time.....

How To Extend Your Life


Greetings Horton-heads!

Guess what? I got married last weekend!!!

One more Hortonhead! That’s Mrs. Shawna Marie Hortonhead to you. It was a celebration like no other. All the people I love and cherish were in one place together. There was such an outpouring of love and affection, you could breathe it in.  

My dear friend, Scotty Fifer (yup, Fifer Scissors) wrote a hilarious speech at my request, and boy did he roast me good. I know it was all done out of love, and everyone got some good belly laughing in (a bonus Ab workout too.) One of the things Scott touched on was the importance of community, and how studies are now showing that having community actually extends your life.

On that note... how are you creating community in your life?

Do you have one?

Are you a loner?

Are your children the only community you have?

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that, but having a real social life and close friendships with people outside of your family is critical for your happiness, and longevity.


With the advent of the Internet and social media, studies are showing that we are becoming less social, instead of more so.  We’re communicating through devices and not in person as much, because of convenience, and people’s fears of actual face-to-face conversations. Young folks, and many adults nowadays (do I sound old or what?) have their heads down looking at a smartphone instead of interacting with the people around them. We're building “on-line” communities, but losing hometown committees in the 21st century.    


Did you know human connection is almost as important as breathing, eating, and sleeping? Seriously! Humans need connection with other humans. It keeps us happy, healthy and alive. Think about a tiny baby. If that baby doesn't get love, touch and connection it can not thrive and grow in a healthy way.

You can receive this connection from being part of a community. I have met amazing people in my life, and have created lifelong friendships with so many different kinds of people - most of them were at my wedding. I feel inspired every day by my community. It feeds me, adds to my happiness, and nurtures my well-being. And the extra big bonus; it’s extending my life!


When I was a kid, I hung out with my friends, ran around the neighborhood, rode my bike, played hoop, played catch, threw the Frisbee for hours, and participated in community functions, and activities. I know we have responsibilities, and the daily grind can get the better of us, but life can go south real quick if we don't have rock solid friends and family around to keep things interesting.

So, shut off your computer or laptop, stop texting on your phone, and use it to call the people you want to start living large with. Build a face-to-face community, and cut back on your face-in-a-device community. It will add years to your life.

From Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sawyer Horton

Failure = Success? You Betcha!


Greetings Horton-heads!



Failure - It’s just a word. A silly word that confuses the user. I think failure rocks! It means you’re doing something. There’s no reason to shy away from it, or try to avoid it. All “failures" are opportunities to improve. Failure means you’re doing something right, as long as you’re learning from it. 

In my opinion, failure needs a new name;


The word itself denotes absolute defeat or collapse; that’s not what happens when you don’t lose the weight, slip up and eat at McDonald's, or can’t do as many pull-ups as you were hoping for. Those moments are not failures, they're small motivational setbacks. Failure and success are Siamese twins, with one heart and brain. They don't exist without each other. If you're not failing a little, it means you are not stepping up, taking chances, putting yourself out there, and opening yourself up to the Big Picture.

Winston Churchill said, "Success consists of going from failure to failure without the loss of enthusiasm." Brilliant! One issue with the word failure is it can make us feel like a loser, or that we ARE a failure, versus the line of thinking that we merely had a setback at our attempt to do something, which is not a reason to give up! Setbacks are our opportunity to learn, better ourselves, move forward, or take action to do it a bit differently, but more importantly to keep trying. 


Many people would rather play it safe, not take chances, not explore, not stick their neck out, or put themselves in a situation where they could possibly fail/ learn/ grow/ LIVE! Take it from me; I was someone who played it safe for much of my life. And what did it get me? Next to nothing. I said “NO" to everything, which led to NO adventure. NO experience. NO learning. NO real successes in life.

When I took the chance with P90 eighteen years ago, I didn't know if it would succeed or fail, but I worked like hell, had a few setbacks, and did my best. I was lucky to have people who believed in me, and supported me. There were dozens of naysayers scoffing, “Another exercise program, especially an extreme one being sold through an infomercial? That will never work.” Things turned out pretty well in the end, and we’re still going strong. 

If you're afraid to fail, you will never open yourself up to opportunities for success. Failure is the key to joy, happiness, and personal growth. If you view failure as AWESOME, or POWERFUL instead, then you will be open to doing new things. You might make mistakes, screw up, or fall flat on your face, but at least you were in the middle of the action and not sitting on the sidelines.

Your ego might tell you not to get up again, but that's only because your ego wants you to think it has everything under control. That’s how it keeps its identity. But, you and I both know that we have the power to choose a different way of looking at awesome and powerful setbacks, and not let our self-image run the show. It's time to use the ego as an AWESOME and POWERFUL servant, instead of letting it be the master of your life.

So next time you feel afraid to fail, push forward and enjoy the whole ride. You might fall and get banged up a bit, but you can always get back up, wipe yourself off, and keep moving forward. That’s not failing, it’s living.

whos awesome.gif

Until next time...T-Horton