Tony Horton is the wildly popular creator of the best-selling fitness series: P90X®. In 2019, Tony created his very own health and wellness platform, Power Nation Fitness where his Power of 4 by Tony Horton® workouts are gaining just as much, if not more, popularity than his past programs.
Tony’s newest PowerSync 60™ program is yet another revolution in the fitness industry. The program teaches men and women how to exercise with their hormones, rather than against them. Women who have long been frustrated for not achieving the results they want even while working out daily and eating well, are already seeing results with this program, in less time with less effort.
Tony is also a world-class motivational speaker and the author of top-selling books “Bring It”, Crush It!” and his latest motivational book, “The Big Picture; 11 Laws that will change your life.” He has appeared on countless TV programs as a fitness and lifestyle expert to promote healthy living through exercise and proper nutrition. He embodies the idea of active aging — which means you can stay adventurous, active, and energized for as long as you want, with the right support. That’s why he’s carefully designed his own skin and hair care line called, TH Care along with his own supplement line, Power Life.
Tony believes that real and lasting change can happen when we commit to health as a lifestyle. Exercise, whole foods, and the right mindset are the formula that leads to a vibrant, productive and full life for anyone who focuses on being the best they can be.
With the holidays quickly approaching, I know how busy life can get. Traveling, party planning, cooking, buying gifts; all the things that come along with the holidays can throw us off our fitness routines. Not to mention all the eating!
The holiday season is creeping up on us like a sneaky little cookie thief! Before you know it, you’re surrounded by pie, mashed potatoes, gravy, and those irresistible holiday cocktails.
Keeping your blood sugar levels in check is absolutely critical to your overall health and fitness. Now, you might think, "Tony, I’m not diabetic, why should I care?"
You do your best to work out and eat well so you can have more energy and feel healthy, but here’s the deal—no matter how much sweat you pour out in the gym, if your home is full of stuff that’s messing with your health, you’re never gonna reach your peak.
If you want more energy and are tired of struggling with your workouts and sleep, and getting through the day feels like a monumental task, then it’s time to talk about what you’re putting in your bod.
What’s the one necessary component that will help you crush your day, dominate your workouts, and live life with that extra bit of oomph? You got it, SLEEP!
Two weeks ago I wrote about the benefits of a plant-based diet and shared how Keto has been trending downward. I am following up on that because I think there's a time and place for everything.
I know more than anyone how hard it can be to stay consistent with exercise, or how easy it can be to give up when you’re not seeing progress.
If you've been following my journey, you know I'm all about finding the best ways to keep our bodies strong, agile, and ready for anything life throws our way.
When I was growing up, I had what I would deem a simple mind. I moved around a lot as a kid and I had a speech impediment called cluttering, that was passed down from my dad.
When it comes to fitness, we all want to feel strong, energized, and unstoppable. But let’s face it—aches, pains, and injuries can be major roadblocks on your journey to peak performance.
When I created P90X many moons ago, I faced a lot of adversity. There were plenty of naysayers who said extreme home fitness won’t sell, but we did it anyway.
Procrastination…we’ve all been there, right? Staring at that to-do list, knowing what needs to be done, but finding every excuse in the book to put it off.
As we age, many things happen to the body, and one you may notice is the change in your skin. Maybe it’s more wrinkly, not as firm and the texture has changed.
Today I want to talk about something that is absolutely vital to your fitness journey: meal planning and eating a whole food diet.
I know this topic may ruffle a few feathers, but as someone who is committed to bringing you all things health and wellness, I think it’s important to talk about negative impacts of alcohol on your health.
Most of you know that my community is everything to me. If it wasn’t for my peeps showing up at my home gym to work out with me, I would probably skip workouts regularly.
There are so many different schools of thought on what the best way to eat is. It’s different for everyone, as we are all unique individuals.
Are you ready to tackle one of the biggest challenges we all face? Yeah, that four-letter word that sneaks into our minds and paralyzes us from reaching our true potential; it’s FEAR.
This morning as the boys and I were in the gym doing our upper body workout, we got to talking about the sneaky little saboteur known as perfectionism and how it can totally derail your health and fitness journey.
Many humans start off every new year with resolutions; to eat better, to workout more, to take better care of their health. The problem with this is HIGH expectations and no solutions on HOW to accomplish these resolutions.
Last week I talked about the Sunshine Vitamin and the importance it has in your overall wellbeing. If you missed that blog, catch it here.
Today, let’s talk about one mighty little nutrient that often doesn’t get the spotlight it deserves: Vitamin D. Yep, that’s right, the sunshine vitamin! Did you know that Vitamin D is also considered a hormone?
Listen up, folks, because this is crucial. As we get older, it's easy to fall into routines and stick to what's comfortable. You and I both know, that's a recipe for stagnation, both physically and mentally.
It’s no secret that a lot of people out in the world are looking for the holy grail of weight loss; aka the quick fix. These people usually want to lose weight quickly and easily, and that’s why I felt the need to write about the hot topic that's been making waves in the health community: Ozempic, the weight loss drug.
When you make exercise and movement a part of your daily routine, you're not just improving your physical health, you're boosting your mood, reducing stress, increasing your energy levels, and improving your overall quality of life. And let me tell you, there's no quick fix out there that can offer all of those benefits.
Let's face it, as we age our body changes and begins to break down. It's even more important to focus on eating a healthy, well-balanced diet than ever. The needs of the body are much different than they were in the days of our youth.
You CAN eat more and lose weight! You heard me right. You may be thinking I am off my rocker, and at times I am (even I know that), but in this case listen up.
We all lead busy lives and sometimes getting a 60 or 90 minute workout in is not feasible. That’s why today I am here to to talk about a concept that's near and dear to my heart: working out smarter, not harder.
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“Let’s all live inspired lives, and change the world!”
—Tony Horton
Did you know that at this point and time in 2024 over 72% of adults in the United States are overweight or have obesity?