Choosing Yourself First

Recently I had conversation inside Power Nation with Jennie Garth (you may know her from a little show called 90210) and one of the main topics that came up as we spoke about Fitness After 50 is the idea of CHOOSING yourself first.

Women, especially are always taking care of others and often put themselves last on the list, or worse yet, not on the list at all.

When Jennie turned 50, she decided to CHOOSE herself, but it took her 50 years to do it. Why is this? Why do women wait so long to prioritize themselves along with everyone else? (Click here to check out a clip from our conversation.)

Well, first off women are nurturers by nature. They are also taught in childhood to think of others first.

While this isn't a bad thing, in itself, women often take it to the extreme by prioritizing others and putting themselves low on the list, or even self-sacrificing. This can lead to feelings of resentment, stress, and overwhelm.

Society has also sold women on the idea that in order to be perfect they need to take care of the family, be a great partner, have a successful career, and look great all at the same time.

But we live in the real world, and perfection simply isn't possible. It's time for a paradigm shift, a revolution in self-care and self-love. Ladies, it's time to flip the script and put yourself at the top of your priority list.

This is one of the reasons why I created my new program PowerSync 60™ and partnered with Dr. Mindy Pelz, so women could FINALLY get the results they have been wanting when it comes to health, weight loss, and feeling their best.

I want women to KNOW that I see them and hear them and not everything has to be male-focused first, which many of my programs have been. This is not on purpose, and at no fault of my own, other than not knowing better at the time....I am human, and I'm always learning.

Now, if you're a man reading this, and I hope you are, you can benefit from supporting the women in your life to choose themselves first so keep reading!

I've seen incredible women transform their lives by embracing the principle of choosing themselves first. It's not about being selfish, but self-full.

When you take care of yourself, you become a stronger, more empowered individual, which, in turn, benefits everyone around you!

So, how do you start choosing yourself first?

 👉 Set Boundaries: Create a sacred space for self-care. Whether it's a few minutes of meditation or breathwork, a workout, or reading, carve out that time for you and stick to it. Tell others in your life that you are taking some space for yourself and ask for their support.

👉  Prioritize Your Health: Remember that fitness isn't just about looking good; it's about feeling great. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and proper rest are your secret weapons to becoming the best version of yourself.

👉  Seek Support: You don't have to do it all alone. Reach out to a friend, a coach, or a mentor who can provide guidance and motivation on your journey to self-discovery.

👉  Shed Guilt: Banish the guilt that often accompanies self-care. When you invest in yourself, you're building a stronger foundation to support others. Guilt has NO PLACE in your journey to the healthiest and happiest you.

👉  Embrace Imperfection: You don't have to be perfect; you just have to be committed. Understand that self-improvement is a journey filled with ups and downs, but it's worth every step. Be kinder to yourself when you "mess up." See these ups and downs as learnings instead of failures or setbacks.

Remember, choosing yourself first isn't a rejection of your responsibilities or others; it's an affirmation of your worth.

When you're thriving, you become a role model for your loved ones, showing them that it's okay to prioritize their own well-being.

Ladies, you have the strength, resilience, and grace to take charge of your life. So, go out there and be the inspiration you want to see in the world. Together, we can change the narrative and empower every woman to choose herself first. Men, pay attention!