Tribe Effect

“My purpose is to help other people find their purpose.”

-The Big Picture 

When you think of fitness, what comes to your mind? 

Is fitness a state of mental balance or is it that ripped body-builder you saw in that magazine the other day? Maybe it’s both?

Our screens are constantly bombarded with social media ads guaranteeing results in 30 days. The problem with “quick fix” ads is they all have something in common; quick fixes don’t produce lifestyle changes. 

All of us want to see positive results; I totally get that! However, there is no quick fix to achieve lifelong fitness sustainability.

It’s no wonder so many resolutions are dead in the water before they even try to float.

There Goes My New Year’s Resolution!   

You start that diet. You join that gym. You watch Bruce Banner turn into the Hulk, in a matter of seconds. Our instant gratification culture wants it all RIGHT NOW. When “right now” doesn’t happen we are left with less money and more frustration. These get-fit-quick schemes are just gimmicks.

You, me, and our wallets hate gimmicks.

New Year’s resolution goals based on gimmicks are hardwired to fail so this leaves you discouraged wondering why you even made a New Year’s resolution in the first place. 

Why not just throw in the towel and quit altogether?

Is there any hope to achieve your fitness goals? Are we all just destined to spin around trying different fads, feeling defeated?

Keep reading, my friend...

Garbage In, Garbage Out.

If you constantly eat crap during the day and then you hit the gym at 5:30 pm you will feel like—you guessed it—crap. What goes into your body will have an affect on your mind, motivation, and habits. 

But Tony I really like that burger! That milkshake...That pizza...That (fill in the blank). 

You may like that guilty pleasure food, but that food could be one of the main factors knocking the legs out from under your goals before they even stand a fighting chance. 

The principle of “garbage in/garbage out” doesn’t apply to just food of course.

Sometimes we intake “garbage” through the voices around us. That coworker takes a jab at your health choices. Maybe your inner voice lies and tells you, “Why even try that fitness program, again? What’s the point?”

If I had caved to the voices around me years ago, there's no telling where I’d be today. 

People can be one of our greatest energizers along the road to wellness or they can be one of the biggest roadblocks. You have to remember garbage in equals garbage out. 

Lifestyle, Not Event!

“Okay, Tony I get it…if I am eating healthy, avoiding garbage and gimmicks, and crushing it in my workouts, I’ll get good results, right?”

If you know anything about me you know I am constantly singing the praises of a holistic approach to fitness that encompasses all of the key ingredients of the body and mind!.

You are not a gym machine programmed to perform to the max everyday. You are not a computer. You are a homosapien that needs rest, challenge, food, fitness, fun, and friends. 

Therefore, if we are going to see any sustainable change we need to stop confronting change as an isolated resolution, diet, friend group, ad, or workout routine—but rather a mindset change. 

Along with the four pillars of fitness, food, mindfulness, and supplementation I’ve added the important element of mindset, that encompasses the pillars, to help people tackle fitness choices in a holistic way. You may be thinking to yourself, "what's the difference between mindset and mindfulness?"

Mindset is all about changing your thinking and then your behavior, while mindfulness is just accepting how things are right now and being able to be present in the moment.

The Change You Need and Want

We have just looked at the problems we all face. We see fitness as a lifestyle, and avoid garbage, but what about those days when I am completely unmotivated?

The life you ultimately want needs key ingredients to help you achieve success. Although there are many components to achieving holistic wellness I am going to let you in on one of the key ingredients. You've probably already guessed my key component if you read the title.

A key ingredient that turns New Year's resolutions, good intentions, killer workout routines, and healthy diets into consistent change is—your TRIBE

The community you surround yourself with will positively impact your ongoing motivation, if you are unified in helping each other. I call this the Tribe Effect.

This key ingredient of a tribe, or community, continues to fuel the success stories we constantly see in the Power Nation™ community. The right fitness, food, mindfulness, and supplementation lifestyle choices fueled by your tribe sets you up to achieve true consistent wellness—of the mind and body. 

Instead of intaking the garbage of negative voices, your tribe will feed your mind with the healthy nutrients of positive reinforcement, encouragement, and challenges to help you level up and be the YOU that you have always dreamed of being.

So, What Now Tony?

In my book The Big Picture I said, “…formulating your plan is simply a matter of deciding what you want , then plotting a course to get there. Start with the simple things.” 

If you trip and fall along the way to your success that’s okay. Fall forward and learn!

The greatest successes have happened through finding out what doesn’t work and then doing something else. You just need a plan that allows for learning through failures AND successes. 

Don’t wait until next year to plot YOUR course to success—make the plan now.

The first step can seem like the hardest. I totally get that. Having the right people around you, as you plot your course, is that step that can make or break choices. So find your group. Find your tribe.

No one is an island. We need each other.

Power Nation helps remove the hard part of “getting started”. I have seen the impact of gathering individuals, like you, that don’t just want a quick workout fix, but a long-term sustainable community that enables group growth. 

I have been so encouraged by the ongoing results that have changed the lives of families. This passion for mutual success has been at the heart of why Power Nation exists. 

I hope I have given you a vision for life beyond the New Year’s resolution to a new lifestyle that will prove ongoing success. 

Let's get your plan, your steps, and your life on course for you to achieve consistency with your tribe!

Live the Tribe Effect.
