Recommit, Realign & Re-Focus

It's about this time every year where gym reports show that attendance decreases dramatically from the start of the New Year. Now is the time to put your energy toward recommitting and refocusing on your Big Picture.

I know it's easy to let life get in the way of things and to lose steam with regards to the goals you set for yourself. That's why it's important to continually check in on where you stand with your goals and how focused you are.

Are you giving up too easily? Are you letting other things take priority over your health and wellness? Have you lost your focus?

How to Re-Focus

Here are some ways to help you get back on track so you can recommit, realign and refocus before time gets away and you find yourself in a mad rush to get in shape for Summer.

1.    Go back to your original New Year Goals and either recommit to them, or alter them so that they are more realistic, do-able and FUN. The biggest reason for failure is that we often set lofty goals that are not specific, realistic or measurable.

2.    Look at your weekly calendar and schedule in your workouts for the remainder of the month.

3.    Be sure you are getting enough sleep and integrating a bedtime ritual each evening. For example, go to bed and wake up at the same time every day and commit to not using electronics at least 1 hour before you slumber.

4.    Reassess your social commitments and family commitments. See where you can ask for help, and where you can start to say No (see last week’s blog on The Power Of No.)

5.    Ask yourself these 3 questions, answer honestly and then adjust:

a.    Am I making progress? 

b.    Am I fulfilled?

c.     Am I still loving it?

Look, the bottom line when it comes to goals, is that if you don’t love what you are doing, then you won’t follow through. There’s a difference between doing something you don’t want to do because it achieves a higher goal, and doing something you don’t want to do when there is no good reason to do it in the first place.

Leave It If You Have To

I’m a big fan of, “If you don’t love it and it doesn’t serve your purpose, then leave it.” Life is way to short to be filled with unnecessary burdens, have-tos and shoulds. Taking on challenges is great, but if you’re adding stress to your life, you better make sure the endgame is worth it. If the light at the end of your “tunnel” isn’t filled with rainbows and sunshine that you can reach within a reasonable, measurable and defined time frame, then maybe it’s time to get out of the tunnel.


Doing things we don’t love that make us unhappy or anxious takes a huge hit on our health and well-being. I can’t think of a single thing that justifies living in a state of stress and unhappiness indefinitely.

So, take time to reevaluate where you are and then follow the steps provided here so you can recommit, realign and refocus. I promise it will be worth it.

I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below on how you are going to refocus and realign your efforts to reach your goals.


#FuelUp Friday Fascinating Facts

1.    Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. 

- I think my dog has Arachibutyrophobia.


2.    In South Africa, termites and ants are often roasted and eaten by the handful, like popcorn.

-Now there’s a healthy treat to eat at the movie theater!


3.    Every time you lick a stamp, you consume 1/10 of a calorie.

-I have to start paying bills online.


4.    Honeybee workers must visit 2 million flowers to make one pound of honey.

-And you thought P90X was hard!


5.    The fear of vegetables is called Lachanophobia.

-I wonder if they’re also afraid of peanut butter.

The Power of No

No. It’s a little word. And one that has a lot of power.

I see many people’s lives get out of balance because they are not able to practice using that little word. It can even be a struggle for me at times.

Look, we are of no use to anyone if our lives are completely out of balance. Saying no is something that can help you have more balance in your life.

If you are someone that is always on the go, on the move and going from point A to B without taking a breath, this teeny word will be of great use to you.

Often times people don’t say no because they don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings, or look like a party-pooper. And then that person ends up feeling resentful, and run-down.

I know that women in general can struggle with this, especially because women are natural caretakers (Go ladies !)

Balancing Life with No

It’s super important to have balance in your life, and to find a happy medium between your Yin and Yang energy. I am someone who is very Yang-centric; always moving my body, always on the go, traveling and going from here to there. I enjoy this because my purpose is connected to moving, finding solutions and taking action. It works for me because I am so passionate about it.

It may not work well for someone else who needs a little more Yin in their life and doesn’t do well with constant movement and being on the go. You have to know your own personal energy balance and then put your focus there.

The balance between saying yes and no is an important component in this. I had a tremendous lack of balance in that sense when I was younger. I used to say NO all the time and mostly because I was not ready for the opportunities that were coming at me. Fear dictated this lack of balance for me.

You may find that you say yes more often than you want because you are worried about what someone else thinks or letting someone down, as I mentioned above. You need to know when to draw the line. If you are saying yes to things that leave you feeling resentful and you end up missing out on important things in your life, like your morning workout or time you scheduled in to take care of yourself, then it’s time to reevaluate.

Avoid Burnout

Bottom line, you don’t want to burn the candle at both ends and end up being a people pleaser who feels over extended and maxed out. It’s important to take care of yourself first and foremost because this is how other people in our life get the best of us.

So, the lesson here is this: Don’t say no when it comes from fear or laziness, therefore ruining your opportunities to say yes. Do say no when it comes from a need to take care of yourself, therefore increasing your opportunities to say yes.

Saying yes needs to be authentic and not forced. Saying no is the same. So start practicing that balance and checking in with yourself before you give any answer. Let your intuition be your guide.

#FuelUp Friday Fascinating Facts

1. Buying vanilla in its pure form can be a bit expensive. But, the imitation vanilla contains an ingredient called castoreum, which is produced from the secretion in a beaver's anal gland. Wait for it…Yep. Beaver butt goop. I am definitely going to spring for the real stuff from now on!


2. Pumpkin flowers are edible. …And good news, they don’t come from rodent butt.


3. Alliumphobia is the fear of garlic.  What do you call a fear of beaver butt goop?


4. In 2001, there were more than 300 banana-related accidents in Britain, most involving people slipping on skins. And you thought that only happened in cartoons.


5. A cluster of bananas is called a hand and consists of 10 to 20 bananas, which are known as fingers.  I hear there are a lot of “hand” and “finger” accidents in Britain.

Recover, Recharge + Rock It!

If you are an avid exerciser, and I know you are, one of the most important things you can do for your body is to allow recovery and recharge time. Taking time to let your body recover helps prevent injuries, burn out and induces healing.


In this life of go-go-go, it can be hard to find time to chill-out, relax and get enough sleep. But, not doing these things is a recipe for body and soul deterioration. Balancing your up-time with quality downtime is essential for your well-being on every level.


Sleep to Recharge

Getting enough sleep on a regular basis, not just on the weekends, is super important forstellar health and recovery. When you are asleep, your body heals. It’s hard at work repairing and recharging. Studies have shown that healthy sleep habits actually ‘reboot’ your brain, making room for new knowledge. I see sleep as a key to a successful life, which includes your fitness, your health, your relationships and your career.

It’s imperative to have a bedtime routine to wind down from your day and to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Your bedroom is a place for sleeping, not working or watching TV. Turning your bedroom into a sanctuary will help you to have quality sleep and recovery time. Turn your electronics off at least an hour before bed, or better yet remove them from your room all-together. Yes, you can live without your cell phone by your bedside table, I promise.

Focus on engaging in a calming activity before bed such as reading, doing crossword puzzles, journaling, light stretching or meditating. This will help your brain to slow down, which in-turn will help to increase productivity as well as induce deeper, more quality snooze time.


Lack of Sleep Sucks

Lack of sleep depletes important hormones in the body, which are responsible for regulating hunger. Did you ever notice that when you don’t sleep, that you crave sugar and carbs? Your lack of zzz’s reduces insulin sensitivity and inhibits your body’s ability to break down carbs properly, so you store them as fat instead of burning them.

Studies have also shown that lack of sleep is a pre-cursor for disease and illness. Your immune system becomes depleted leaving you susceptible to colds and other illnesses. Lack of sleep does not help you to stay on top of life, and The Big Picture.


Active Recovery

When I talk about recovery, I don’t want you lying around like a sloth eating Cheetos and drinking beer. Recovery is all about engaging in things to support your body in recovering. Sleep is a great start.

Here are some other ways you can help your body recover after a hard workout, or if you have an injury:

Foam Rolling: As you know if you’ve done P90X2, I’m a huge fan of foam rolling. In fact, I incorporate it into my routine almost daily.


Massage: Getting a massage is a great way to support the body in it’s own natural healing process. And it's great relaxation time away from electronics, to-do lists and the pressures of life.


Light Stretching or yoga: If you’ve done a hardcore workout and feel sore, the best thing to do is stretch those tight muscles. Not doing anything will make them worse because the lactic acid will just continue to build up and create more tightness and pain.


Supplements: Some supplements are great to help the body repair and rebuild. Beachbody’s recovery drink is awesome to mix up right after a workout to give the muscles the glycogen they need. Magnesium is also great for helping the muscles relax and to relieve cramping.


Epsom Salt Bath: Taking a bath in Epsom salts will help your stiff muscles soften and melt. The magnesium and sulfate is absorbed directly into the skin helping the muscles to relax and your nervous system will be soothed as well, so there are numerous benefits to doing this.

If you really want to rock your workouts and have a body that works with you, instead of against you, as well as reducing the risk for injury, engaging in any of these suggestions will help that.

I’d love to hear what your sleep routine is. Let me know on my Facebook Page.

Are You Flexible?

Flexibility is something we can all use in this life, and I don’t mean being a super-pretzel with the ability to touch your nose to your toes.

When I talk about flexibility, what I am touching on is this; how flexible are you with the events that happen in your life? Especially the ones you don’t expect or the ones that cause pain and suffering.



Overcoming Adversity

If you’ve read The Big Picture, you know I share some gnarly stories about people overcoming major obstacles in the face of adversity. Flexibility is what helped them. Choosing to look at or deal with a certain situation in a flexible way provided growth, healing and forward movement.

It’s easy to go through life with our rock-solid beliefs and specifics systems in place, but that doesn’t always allow for growth and learning now does it? What if some unknown monkey wrench was thrown your way, how would you handle it?

I ask this because I have seen small things derail people, and I have seen others make a massive pitcher of lemonade out of a mountain of lemons. Flexibility is the key here.


How Flexible Are You?

How do you look at life? Are you open to seeing or learning something new? Do you view the world with curiosity or do you stick to your stodgy old beliefs because they work? Can you have beginners mind? Can you be a scientist in your life and experiment with different ways of handling the things that get thrown at you?

These are all awesome things to think about. Being flexible will allow you to seek out new tools that could support you in a time of trauma or uncertainty. Or, it could support you in opening your eyes to new ways of relating to a certain situation.

Look, we all know the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. FAIL! You can’t ever solve a problem with the same mindset that created it. You need to open your mind to a new way of looking at things and find meaning in that.


How I Became More Flexible

One way that I started to become more flexible in my life, was to open my mind to things I had never done before, like Yoga. Now, I bring yoga up, because it’s the one P90X DVD that people seem to avoid the most, yet brings the most benefit.

What yoga has done for me, is not only make me more flexible in my body, but in my mind as well. Yoga has provided a foundation for me to learn how to look at things differently. It’s nothing like lifting weights, which I am so damn good at (har har). It takes a different focus, a different mindset, and it takes being open to moving your body in ways you may never have thought possible.

Although, I must say this, yoga IS the foundation of my fitness that helps to keep my body injury free. I would never have known this if I didn’t have a flexible enough mind to walk into a yoga class in the first place. And I have to say, it’s HARD!

Whether you do yoga or not, I encourage you to start practicing more flexibility in your life and see how that serves you, specifically if you’ve been consistently struggling in certain areas.

All it takes is bending...just a little.


Meditation: Horton Style!

Meditation. Most people run for the hills when they hear the word. Or they think “I could NEVER meditate because only hippies do that”, or “I can’t sit still for that long and get my mind to shut off", or "It’s too religious for me.”


I get it. I used to feel the same way. Meditation is a secular (non-religious) practice that has been around for over 5,000 years. You don’t have to be a Buddhist, a yogi or religious to do it. But what it can do is add more balance, calmness and peace of mind to your life.

Life is busy. You are busy. We are all busy. Careers, significant others, electronics, working out, eating healthy, long list of to-dos; it’s a wonder we ever have time for anything these days. We are a stressed out society and sicker than ever.

Why Meditate?

If you want to have some balance in all your busy-ness, you have to make the time to take some action toward that balance, and meditating is an action, even though it’s a non-action, action. You get the gist.

There are tons of studies out there preaching the positive benefits of meditation. A lot of pro sports teams use it for focus, it’s being brought into prisons and schools, and it’s becoming more utilized in a day and age where we need the tools to learn to slow down a bit. Studies show it is known to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke or death by 48% in people who have coronary heart disease. That’s massive.

Check out my man, LeBron zoning out during a game.

Check out my man, LeBron zoning out during a game.

It helps to engage our para-sympathetic nervous system, which helps to keep our stress at bay and controls our cortisol levels, which can wreak havoc in our bodies when we are stressed out, not sleeping enough, drinking too much coffee, meeting deadlines, etc.

Meditation Can Be Simple

I’m no pro at meditating, but what I have discovered is a simple way to do it that works for me. I consider myself a recreational meditator. You have to find what works for you. There are tons of awesome teachers and classes available, but if that feels too overwhelming, then I say start small.

Here’s How I Meditate:

·      I set aside 10-15 minutes (you can use a timer if you’d like)

·      I find a seat somewhere that is quiet (I love the bench in my backyard because it overlooks the Santa Monica Mountains – Spectacular!)

·      I close my eyes and start to focus on my breath by noticing it coming in and out of my nose (now, my thoughts are coming and going, and I know that, but instead of getting caught up in them, I just bring my attention back to my breath).

·      And, that’s it. Simple enough?

It’s a good start. Even if you never feel your mind slow down, you are still engaging your para-sympathetic nervous system, and over time, with practice, your mind will start to quiet down. Sometimes I even have great moments of clarity or creative ideas come to me while meditating. If that happens, I write them down immediately after my meditation is done.

So, give it a try. Set a goal to start at 5 minutes, 2-3 times per day. And you may find that you start to notice little changes in how you go through your day. A little calmer, a little more balanced, a little more grounded.

You won’t know until you do. Namaste.

New Year, Now What?

Most people feel inspired and motivated as they move into the New Year. A new year is like a new beginning, a time to start fresh, or even start over. It’s a chance to reset and reflect. Excitement is high and inspiration courses through our veins with a promise of bigger, better, bolder, stronger.

It’s easy to get caught up in setting multiple goals for yourself. I’m sure you have many, and that’s all good. I have my own, for sure. The important thing to have is FOCUS; focus on the Bigger Picture and what you want to experience as you go through this next year. How you want your life to look and feel.

Where Focus Goes, Energy Grows

Now I am definitely someone who does my best to stay present and live in the moment, because that’s where the real magic happens. And I also know how easy it is to lose focus by pining for some future goal or event.  It’s easy to put all your eggs in one proverbial basket for some down-the-road ambition.


Be Intentional & Set Realistic Expectations

Being intentional in your life will help you to achieve your goals, and being realistic when setting them is keyas well. If you look at your life and all the plates you have spinning in the air, is it realistic to gain 20 pounds of muscle this year, or lose 50 pounds of extra weight? Is it realistic to set a goal to travel the world, when you don’t have the time or the means?

As I expressed in my last blog, A Big Bold 2016 it’s important to set small, measurable steps for yourself so that you can feel like a success and not a failure. You want to gain ground, not lose it. Feeling like a failure is the surest way to get you to stop doing anything. How many times have you given up your streak of healthy eating because you ate a whole bag of chocolate chip cookies, or the like, and felt that once again you let yourself down?

Don't Give Up

You know what I say to that? Get right back on the horse. Look at where you veered, and pay attention to the behaviors that led you there. Revisit your Biggest Why and get back to basics. Just because you noshed over a dozen cookies doesn’t mean that you don’t move forward. You do. And, it’s equally important to look at where these behaviors stem from and what your motivation is behind them. Sometimes our inner saboteurs will get the best of us, but the bottom line is YOU have a CHOICE, and YOU are the ONLY ONE who can CONTROL what you put in your mouth and how you move your body.


So, as you continue forward into this shiny New Year of 2016, how will you be sure that you feel empowered and motivated to continue on the path toward your meaningful goals? I encourage you to take it one tiny step at a time, and celebrate your small wins, no matter how wee they are. This will keep you feeling encouraged, inspired and on track.

Go get em!

A Big Bold 2016

2016. It’s Big. It’s Bold. It’s in your face and it’s right around the corner.

Look, I get it, every year you have big resolutions to get the strongest you’ve ever been, drop the most weight you ever have and eat the best you ever will. But the truth is, having these huge goals and resolutions can be a big set up for feeling like a big failure.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m all for using failure as a vehicle to move forward, but being realistic and intentional as you move into the new year is going to serve you way better than setting some whopping resolution that will only leave you feeling stressed and under a lot of pressure.

For example, last year one of my goals was to hold a handstand for one minute straight. Did I go into this goal NEVER doing a handstand in my life? NO! I had been working on it all year long and the closest I got was 54 seconds. So, my goal was realistic, reachable and attainable. I set myself up for success. Did I do it? Heck yea, but not right away. Great things take time and persistence.

Resolution Stats

Did you know that only nine percent of people actually stick to their New Year’s resolutions? Yes, nine percent. That’s nothing! And my guess is, with your busy lifestyle, awesome and demanding job, and all the other things you have to juggle on a daily basis, it can be a struggle to fit in your workouts and eat healthy every day. Trust me, I know it’s a lot to manage.

How to Succeed

So, instead of setting these huge massive resolutions for yourself this year, take some time to reflect on 2015 and see what worked for you and what didn’t. 

1.    Look at what you want to change and what you want to stay the same. What you can add, and what you can take away.

2.    Where are you strengths, and where are your weak spots. And do you want to strengthen your weak spots? And if so, what small, measurable steps can you take to get there? This will give you a good idea, based on your current lifestyle, where you can kick it up and where you can pare back.  

3.    Set your goals from here. Be realistic


Remember that having variety in your life is important for feeling empowered, motivated and purposeful. Changing things up and being consistent with those things works too. It helps you grow, and I know you want that because you’re a leader, you’re cutting-edge and you don’t have time for boredom. It IS the kiss of becoming unhealthy.

So, Happy 2016 to you. Get out there and create magic my friend!

Shakeology Nutty No-Bake Cookies. YUM!

It's the holidays, and this delectable no-bake cookie using Chocolate Shakeology (YUM) is perfect for Christmas Eve AND Christmas Day. It's super healthy and easy to make. 

(Makes 24 servings, 1 cookie each)

Total Time: 10 min.
Prep Time: 10 min.
Cooking Time: None


1 cup all-natural almond butter

1 tsp pure almond extract

1 cup quick-cooking rolled oats

½ cup raw honey

1 cup Chocolate Shakeology

What You Do:

1. Combine almond butter, almond extract, oats, honey, and Shakeology in a medium bowl

2. Mix together with your hands and roll mixture into twenty four balls, each about 1-inch in size.

3. Flatten each slightly so that it is shaped like a traditional cookie.

4. Optional to chop walnuts and sprinkle on top for a nice healthy garnish

5. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour

Nutritional Information (per serving):

Calories: 114

Fat: 6 g

Saturated Fat: 0 g

Cholesterol: 2 mg

Sodium: 11 mg

Carbohydrate: 12 g

Fiber: 2 g

Sugar: 7 g

Protein: 5 g

Fear to Drive Desire

With the New Year coming, I thought it would be the perfect time to confront the subject of fear. Yes, it’s a scary word; and a very useful one too. Most people think that being fearless in life will take them further, but having fear and knowing how to use it can actually catapult you into some serious, mind-blowing action and deep transformation.


I used to do everything I could to avoid my own fear. I would even pretend that I didn’t have it. I shoved it aside and tried not to notice it, even though I sometimes felt it traveling through my veins, up into my throat and out through my ears. It wasn’t until I learned how to become buddies with my fear, and use it as a positive influence that things in my life started to change, for the better, and success was something that was tangible and not just a dream.


Fear Is In Our Nature

Fear is hard wired in us as humans. We needed it back in the caveman days to stay safe from those big ole' dinosaurs. Remember, Land of the Lost? I loved that show. Fear also keeps us from doing stupid things (sometimes) like walking out in the middle of a busy street, or putting our hands in the campfire. Over time, that just becomes common sense, but fear is just the beginning to the feelings that cause actions that can completely stop us dead in our tracks, in many areas of our life.


Fear is something that transforms people. Take my friend Jeremy Yost, he was obese at 365 pounds and lost all hope of ever being healthy or fit. It wasn’t until one day that a very close friend of his asked him if he was afraid of having another man raise his children. This hit Jeremy in the heart. The fear was real. This fear was what he needed to kick his own ass to lose 185 pounds (half of his body weight) and become the healthiest and fittest he’s ever been. He used his fear to motivate himself and drive his desire to be a better man and father.


Fear has a Message

The bottom line is that fear will always be with you, but what you do with the fear is what’s most important. You could let fear paralyze you, or you can befriend it, listen to it, and hear what it has to tell you. There is always a message, and that message can contain wisdom letting you know that something BIG needs to change, as in Jeremy’s case.


Jeremy started to look at his fear by making two lists; why he should get healthy and why he shouldn’t get healthy. The reasons why he should far outweighed the reasons why he shouldn’t. This was incredibly eye opening to him and just what he needed to kick-start him on his path to fitness and health. He took it step-by-step, day-by-day and noticed small improvements along the way and didn’t let the fear take over. He is now incredibly fit, strong, healthy and happy. This is what fear can do for you if you channel it and use it for positive results.

How You Can Use Your Fear

If you are someone who has been letting fear run your life or certain areas of your life, it’s time to take some action.

1.    Write down what your fears are – make your own lists like Jeremy did.

2.    Ask yourself if these fears are valid and then write down the worst possible outcome for each one.

3.    Once you do that, ask yourself if the worst possible outcome will happen and see what the real answer is. The answer is usually No. And if it's yes, write down what you will do then.

4.    Now figure out what steps you need to take to keep moving forward. Write those down, post them on a wall, and enroll a friend to support you.


Whenever I feel fear now, I give it a high 5, ask it how it can benefit me in the certain situation and move forward. The same old fears, which most of us have, can become a loud broken record over time. I got tired of my fear. It always said the same thing; Run, Avoid, Hide Run, and avoid some more. I realized it wasn’t serving any good so I kicked that crap to the curb. The way it did serve me was to use it as a motivator; a fuel to my fire if you will, to keep moving forward no matter what.


Fear can help us move forward with desire, passion and motivation. The more you resist, the more it persists! So, take responsibility for your experience and tell fear it can come along for the ride, but it has to sit in the back seat.

Train Your Brain

Let’s face it; temptation is all around us during this crazy holiday season. It’s almost too easy to over-indulge in multiple slices of pumpkin pie, skip workouts you know you should be doing and put your health on the back-burner with the idea that you can make yet another New Years resolution to get into the groove come January 1st (10 pounds heavier!)


Your brain just might be doing everything in its power to sabotage your health efforts with all the booze that’s flowing, cookies that are calling, and holiday parties happening. But don’t give up hope just yet and stuff your face with 5 chocolate chip cookies. It is absolutely possible to train your brain to kick these habits!  These habits are the little devils that are very well harming your health, and leaving you feeling out of control, especially this time of year.


How Bad Habits Form

“Good” and “Bad” habits are created over time through consistent action. Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit says that all habits start with what he calls, “The Habit Loop.” It’s a 3-part process that consists of a cue (or trigger,) a behavior and a reward. Over time behaviors become automated and the decision-making part of the brain can shut down to focus on other things. Think about things you do on a daily basis that have become second-nature without much thought, like driving your car, brushing your teeth or showering.


This can happen with the food you put in your mouth, and/or your habits, or lack thereof around exercise. If you are in the habit of eating bad food, and you get a reward from it, then it becomes a way of life, until you are ready to change it and start a new behavior in place of it. If you have a habit of scheduling your workouts in the evening, and you find you are too tired and tend to skip them, this becomes hard-wired in your brain.


You must take time to create new habits and take different actions, so that your brain catches on. You need to understand the reward you get from having the bad habits, so that you can shift what you are doing to include a healthier action.


How to Shift Your Bad Habits

One thing I am a huge advocate of when it comes to food and exercise is consistency.




Any action you take consistently over a period of time will become a habit. This is how you retrain your brain.


Look at your current “bad” habits and write them down. Next to each habit, write down the “reward” you are receiving from that habit. There is always a pay off from our habits, even if it’s a not-so-good payoff. I know this sounds crazy, but as humans we often do things habitually that don’t feel good, because we are receiving some sort of satisfaction from it or because it's comfortable in some weird way. Once you understand this, you can start to shift your mindset.

After you have gone through your list of habits, write down a brand spankin’ new one that will support you in being a healthier you. For example, if you are in the habit of mindlessly eating at night while watching TV, a healthier habit to replace that would be to make a cup of tea, or set a commitment to not eat in front of the TV at all.  Even small changes can make a huge difference, so figure out baby steps you can take to help you shift the habits that have been haunting you year after year.

See the Change

Yes, I know it all sounds simpler than it is, and we are complex beings with a complex psychology. Just know this, you DO have the power to shift your behavior and it all starts with your awareness around the behavior, knowing what the reward is, and then making a different choice. You are the only one that can choose for you, so commit to the process and see for yourself how your consistent action trains your brain to effortlessly make better choices. Now get busy!
